October 29, 2006

The Value Of Forums In Business Growth

Recognition as an expert in your field leads to acceptance and respect which in turn leads to Sales! One of the fastest ways to become recognized as an expert is to offer helpful and valuable posts on a regular basis in forums where your target market or audience gather.

To be honest, a membership in a forum offers more in the way of advertising value than all the eBooks, training programs, and membership training sites you could possibly join. Have you noticed that most of the publishers are in fact active forum members themselves?

It has been said that to be successful, you have to hang out with those who are successful in whatever business you have chosen. Is there any better place in the world than a Forum?

If you participate consistently in a forum, you will learn quicker, and start earning more, and you can take that to the Bank!

A forum is an online community for discussion among Internet users, used by some of the best Internet marketers in the world. It is also a training ground for the up and coming. It is a place to share ideas, find answers, solve problems, make friends, and develop partnerships. It is also a support system or resource for most any business, on or offline.

It is no secret, but takes some longer to learn than others, that to be successful you must market yourself first. Forums are the perfect place to promote yourself and your business. By adding value to discussions, you are promoting yourself as an expert in your field, gaining recognition.

There is etiquette in forums. Most forums do not allow sales pitches in general or business discussion areas, but some may have a section designated for posting ads. Other topics that are taboo include disparaging or derogatory comments. Foul language, and or anything of a sexual nature.

Registration is a simple process in most forums, entering basic information of user ID and a password along with a verification email sent to your primary email address for you to click on to validate your email address as being real. You will also want to fill out the signature box which posts below your content posting in which you may ad a short comment about yourself or what you do plus a link.

Once registered, there is usually an introduction section to introduce yourself before browsing the forum topics. You can post a simple hello to introduce yourself to learn the ropes and become familiar with the forum's procedures.

Search "forum" plus the topic of your choice using Google or AltaVista to find a whole list of forums available. You may also contact some of the professional organizations in your trade to see if they have a forum.

There is a legend in most forums that the more posts you have, the more money you make online. By becoming an active contributor to forums, you gain recognition, and people pay more attention to your posts and your signature file.

Posting to many forums can be a little tedious if you have to log in and browse through your previous postings or find new topics you can respond to. I recommend an automated posting package or software to enable multiple thread tracking. This will speed up the task of message posting and an unlimited number of forums while managing multiple conversation threads. You can automatically track all replies and organize them as you continue to respond and post to multiple forums. I am sure there are many to choose from but I use and recommend Forum Fortune as the submitter of choice.

George Marshall

Thanks Site Reference

October 25, 2006


To promote your blog you can use Ping-O-Matic.

Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.

Try it!


October 24, 2006

More free SEO tools

October 22, 2006

Translate your blog

Why not translate your blog or website? It will open up a much lager market for you.

64.8% of the world is surfing the Internet in a language other
than English. By translating your website, you will open
up a stream of new markets and increased traffic from foreign search engines.

And the best part, you don´t have to translate your blog yourself!
There are tools out there that make the process quick and easy.
For example you can use Wordpress plugin called Simple Thoughts. With this pluggin you could translate your blog into eight languages, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

Download this plugin at:


October 20, 2006

Free SEO Tools

Get the SEO-tools you need, for free!




We build pages

October 18, 2006

10 Website Essentials to Increase Your Sales

If you are a serious Internet Entrepreneur, your top priority must be your website. Your website is a direct reflection of you and your business. Creating a professional website designed to sell will take a great deal of time and effort, as there is much more to take into consideration than design. You must look at a much broader picture and specifically design your website to sell.

1) You must have a professional looking website. Your website is the most important sales tool you have. Your visitor's first impression will almost instantly determine whether or not you're going to make a sale. A professional website should be pleasing to the eyes, well organized, easy to navigate and load quickly.

2) You must specifically design your website to rank high in the Search Engines. This involves much more than just including META tags. Your KEYWORDS, TITLE, IMAGE ALT tags, Text and overall design, all play an important roll in determining how your website will rank. You can learn more by reading the Optimization tutorial here:


3) You must use effective sales copy. Your words are the entire foundation of your business. Most business failures are the result of ineffective copy. Whether it is your website, sales letters or advertisements, your words play a major role in determining your success. When writing your website copy, use the following formula:

A -Attention - Use a powerful headline that demands attention
I -Interest - Intrigue interest and create curiosity
D -Detail - Provide details about your product or service
A -Action - Call for action

4) Drive traffic to your site. In order to create a steady stream of traffic to your website, give your visitors a reason to visit and continue to visit in the future. You must provide your visitors with fresh content on a continual basis. Content comes in various forms, such as news, articles, tips, horoscopes, weather, etc. and is freely available on the Internet. Your content should blend in well with the focus of your website and be updated on a regular basis.

The following websites provide free articles for publication:




Syndication services provide free content from a wide variety of sources. You simply place a small line of code within the HTML of your web page and each of the following services provide fresh content for you. The great thing about syndication services is that once you've placed the code, you don't have to worry about updating the content, as it is automatically updated.

Syndicator - Provides free syndicated articles and columns with photographs

isyndicate - Provides free headlines for news, articles, comics, weather and more.

Moreover - Provides news headlines from over 1500 sources.

ScreamingMedia - Provides free headlines from various resources

5) Provide free instruction. Your website is the storefront for your product or service. You must convince your visitors that they need the product or service you're offering. This can be accomplished by providing your visitors with free helpful advice and instruction in the form of an article, tutorial, free ebook or free autoresponder course.

6) Display your testimonials. You must gain your visitors trust. By displaying customer testimonials, you are boosting your potential customers confidence in you and your product or service. You can either create a web page to display all of your testimonials or use a script to rotate them on your main page. You can find a great random text script here:

7) Let your visitors know who you are. Provide complete information in regard to your company including, address, phone number and email addresses to request information and support.

8) Tell your visitors about their privacy. Create a page on your website called, "Privacy Statement," and let your visitors know exactly what you do with the personal information you collect.

9) Provide a sample or trial of your product or service. For example, if you're offering a Search Engine optimization service, provide a free META tag analysis at your website. Not only will this increase your sales, but it will drive more traffic to your site as well.

10) Remove the risk. To further increase your sales, you must remove the risk by providing a guarantee. A guarantee will boost your potential customer's confidence in purchasing your products or services.

A professional website specifically designed to sell is one the most important factors in determining your success. Take your time and make sure you're looking at the complete picture before you begin. If you're not secure in your abilities to create your own website, rather than risk the potential success of your business, consider hiring a professional web designer. Your success depends on it.

Copyright © Shelley Lowery

Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, Web Design Mastery. http://www.webdesignmastery.com And, Ebook Starter - Give Your Ebooks the look and feel of a REAL book. http://www.ebookstarter.com Visit Web-Source.net to sign up for a complimentary subscription to Etips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies." http://www.web-source.net

October 15, 2006

Start planning for Christmas!

1. Make sure your web site is optimized for appropriate keywords (holiday-themed keywords)

2. Update your site with a holiday theme

3. Holiday shoppers usually have a budget in mind. Have a page on your site for “Gifts under $25", another for “Gifts under $50?, and so forth.

4. If you can, offer a gift card to shoppers.

5. Wish Lists. Wish lists let shoppers make and save a list of items they’d like to have someone else buy. Do miake it easy for the shopper to share the wish list with their friends (via email, an easy-to-share URL, etc).

October 14, 2006

10 Most Valuable Free Google Marketing Tools

Google has become the dominant search engine on the Internet. It would be hard to imagine a web without Google. For that matter, it would now be hard to imagine a world without Google. As frightening as that may seem to many people, it is none the less true.

Every marketer and webmaster should be taking advantage of Google's good-will and snapping up these professionally run services and marketing tools. Here's a quick run-down of the 10 most valuable free Google Internet marketing tools.

10 Most Valuable Free Google Marketing Tools

October 13, 2006

My top three

3) The S, E, and O keys on your keyboard are broken.

5) When your son tells you he wants to go play in the sandbox, you fear you won’t see him again for eight months

18) When your daughter brings home a new boyfriend to meet you, your first thought is to check his backlinks.

Top 21 Signs You Need a Break from SEO

October 12, 2006

Five affiliate tips

Affiliate tip 1

Did you know the most popular method for promoting an affiliate program is with a 468x60 banner? That's OK, but do you know that the 468x60 banner is also the least effective way to promote an affiliate program?I recommend you instead to try pop-up. Why? Cookies, the pop-up cookies every person that sees it (so long as their cookies are not disabled). This means that if the person go to the site you promoted 16 days (for example) after he or she visited your site you could still get payd, altough the person didn´t click on any link!

Affiliate tip 2

Sticky notes. You can customize this script as to how often the note should appear on the page, for how long, and whether a fade-in effect should be accompanied. It works in MSIE and Mozilla FireFox. Best of all, it doesn't get blocked by pop-up blockers.

Affiliate tip 3

Rotate Your Affiliate Banners: If you are running affiliate banners on your site, it's essential that you keep things fresh and rotate the banners. Otherwise, you risk banner burnout with your visitors. When you rotate the banners, you will increase your click-throughs and revenues, since you can serve a variety of banners to every visitor.

Affiliate tip 4

Write Content: One of the most effective ways to display affiliate links is to incorporate them into relevant content. This sort of contextual affiliate content can come in many shapes and forms, such as testimonials, reviews, and articles targeting a certain demographic.

Affiliate tip 5

Affiliate Links in Your E-mail Signature: There's a great space for advertising that most people leave barren - the space below their e-mail signature.

October 11, 2006

Do you want some traffic? Get some links!

October 10, 2006

5 Ways to Promote Your Blog

1. Ping weblogs.com and other search engines.When you ping a blog, you are telling the search engine that you have updated your blog content and that your listing should be refreshed. Weblogs.com is a blog update notification service that many individuals and services use to track blog changes.

2. Submit your blog address to blog search sites and directories. You can submit your blog's url to websites such as Technorati, Daypop, Blogdex and Popdex.

3. Exchange Links with other Bloggers or blog owners. This is another effective strategy for generating targeted traffic to your blog for free.

4. Set your blog to display RSS feeds and submit your blog's RSS feed to the major RSS feed directories online. A good place to start is http://www.guidetorss.comwhich provides a list of the top RSS directories.

5. Install a blogroll. A blogroll is a collection of links to other weblogs. Services such as Technorati spider your links to tell who’s linking to you and who you’re linking to.

The Internet’s Biggest Google Whores

The following is a list of the Internet’s eight biggest Google AdSense publishers. I found the list at John Chows blogg. I think this list tells us that it´s possibly to make a lot of money with Adsense and I belive that you could get one or two tips how you can do better at the affiliate game by study this list.

The Internet’s Biggest Google Whores